Those of you following this space might have had an inkling about how eventful a year 2007 was for me..and not in the good way. I was apprehensive right from the beginning- infact I don't even recall making proper resolutions list which is a first for me.
Not one thing did go according to how I planned it- be it school, career or relationships. In fact some have gone horribly, maddeningly wrong and some events continue to cast a shadow.
What has got me through and reach 2008 with some semblance of sanity and optimism are my dear, sweet, honest, supportive friends, my parents who I have only begun to understand and love fiercely and my surprisingly all grown up little brother. Knowingly and unknowingly you have given me courage, confidence and an ability to rise above failures. I'm not so scared of falling anymore.
Here's to hoping for a far more positively eventful and successful 366 days this year and my list in no particular order:
- Try to go down to a size 6 for the big 3-0 birthday in April
- Finish the CRA certification as a stepping stone to direct my career better
- Date more and often to find that guy with POP (possibility of progress)
- Become better at fake affections for certain people
- Finish 'Brothers Karamazov' and 'War and Peace'
- Pick up tennis or squash as the new way to stay fit and be active
- Accept that some people will continue to lie and let me down but I can't let it run my life
- Make every moment I spend with the important people in my life, count in diamonds!
Love you all!