Countdown begins

OMG OMG OMG only 63more days!!!!!
plz plz plz let it not be a let down!
Is Marvin supposed to be this cute? Beeblebrox - where is t he other head and extra arms ?!! :S Wouldn't Zack Braff been a better Arthur Dent ? :) ....*sigh* Zack Braff..
...ok found my optimism again.....back to the countdown-
This will be ninth version of the "Guide". It previously appeared as a radio series, a record album, a novel, a television series, a computer game, a stage show, a comic book and a towel. For the record- the tv series SUCKED. First proposal for a movie version was in 1982! Clearly a lot of expectations here.
For those not understanding any of this, obviously your life has been meaningless until now if you hvn't read "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" .
But its not complete waste. There is still time.
UPDATE: THIS blogger is happy to report that the release date is now April 29th!...clearly this is not news to some but a cause for celebration nonetheless :D
I gotta disagree with your Zach Braff comment though. I mean ZB is pretty and not to mention hilarious, but Martin Freeman is prettier and hilarouser (whee! A new word!). The man did make his start in that paper company in Slough after all. And of course, I'm not at all sure about ZB's prowess with accents and Arthur Dent is tres British and so is dear Mr. Freeman. In a word, woo! (And Zaphod does have a second head and the extra arms ... they are just not what/where you expect them to be.)
hmmm I guess I'll hv to wait and see if dear Mr Freeman works ;)
*puzzled* where ARE the extra arms and head?!!come on own up. he's carrying them in a purse isn't he?
must go zaphod info hunting.
Well, I give you the uber-hilarious trailer (Eeeee! Stephen Fry as the book!): http://s29.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=0HIFDZU929X9Z3AIH13Q2U3JO3
I used the email address in your profile (tasnuva_hoque@hotmail.com). I hope you don't mind. The second head and the extra arms you can see for a split second during the closing montage. In any case, I just have to defend anyone who earned their keep in that paper company in Slough (have you watched the Office?).
Okay I definitely didn't expect the head to spring out from there!
The Office? hmm can't say I saw that.
The Office: comedy gold(rush). Here's the IMDB entry: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0290978/
Beware though, like all good British comedy it will make you wince. A lot.
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